It’s been a
brutal two days. Readying oneself for a
routine colonoscopy is one for the books.
The prep agenda is….shall I say, involved?
I’ve had
this procedure done twice before. One
would assume I would take it like a man.
Oh, wrong adage. George had his
procedure done last week and totally freaked out about the pre-cocktail
beverage. I’m just saying.
I’m not
about to brag here about what a marvel patient I was. For days (and days) I’ve dreaded this moment
in time. I apologize to my friends and
family who have tolerated the incessant referrals to “my upcoming procedure”. A
great deal of worrying went into my thoughts on having to fast for 24
hours. Eating is a religion to me. I never miss a meal, and most days I manage
to carve out an extra. Even before the
countdown begins (an entire week) one has to forgo nuts and whole grains. I ask you….what’s left?
experience aside, my anxiety was peaking when I woke up on D-Day (that stands
for Damn Day that the prepping was to commence). My friend Faye was most kind to offer to
distract me as I tackled the day armed with bullion, Sprite and tea….only clear
liquids allowed. Damn, I forgot to ask
about Chardonnay…clear all the way to the bottom of the stemware! Well,
best to refrain from imbibing on prep-day.
I’m sure it’s in the rules somewhere.
The day did
manage to pass albeit s-l-o-w-l-y, and at 6:00 last night I launched into
chugging back the most god-awful concoction that the medical community has ever
come up with. It just defies swallowing. Somehow it managed to bypass that pleasant gag
reflex and went down the hatch.
That started
the ball rolling….I was perking. There’s
no need to attempt to do anything
(watch TV, read, relax….) while this part of the prep is taking place. One must stay mindful of how many steps it
takes you to reach the water closet. My
chair inched closer and closer.
I’ll spare
the reader of any further details.
Another 16 oz. bottle consumed at 5:00 AM had me completely ready for
scoping. You’ll have to take my word on
The Procedure went well. The staff at Southside Community Hospital is
spot on….professional and pleasant. I’m
pleased to have met their acquaintance, but I’m thrilled (bar any catastrophe)
I don’t have to see them again for 10 years!
I couldn’t
wait to get home to EAT. My anesthetist’s
parting words were, “don’t eat for at
least 3 hours”. My response, “you bet”.
I just
polished off the best scrambled eggs I have ever eaten. It’s a wonderful thing.